Pussman is organising a giveaway, and the beauty to be given away is this little bear... Should I win it, I'd keep it aside for this little beauty, my godchild Renske...
I'd keep it aside till she reaches an age at which she could appreciate the beauty of a blue and yellow bear...
Look what arrived today! Well... actually it arrived yesterday, but I wasn't home when the mailman rang my doorbell (or did something at my door). So today, just before work, I went to pick up a parcel at a local bookshop which also serves as a postalservice... And yes! It was Bloody Mary! Can't wait to start reading (coz I think it will be dead funny and heartbreaking...)
Bought this book today while shopping for food... (which reminds me... must buy new bookcase... perhaps bookcase only for cookbooks... a cookbookcase...)